Abhimanyu's Blog

Efficient Matrix Multiplication in CUDA: SMEM and Register Tiling
15 Aug 2024

My notes and CUDA kernels for joint shared memory and register tiling for matrix multiplication.

Some Notes on Positional Embeddings
06 May 2024

Notes about positional embeddings choices such as sinusoidal and RoPE.

Basic Integrals from Kingma, Welling (2013)
08 Sep 2021

Calculations behind some integrals presented in the seminal paper “Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes”

SVD Part 2 - Insights into Ridge Regression using SVD
10 Jul 2020

SVD as a tool to explain what L2 Regularization ‘does’ for Linear Regression.

Build an LSTM from scratch in Python
12 Aug 2018

I derive equations for Backpropogation-Through-Time (BPTT) for an LSTM and implement one using NumPy.

Build an RNN from scratch in Python
31 Jul 2018

I derive equations for Backpropogation-Through-Time (BPTT) for an RNN and implement one using NumPy.

SVD Part 1 - Introduction to Singular Value Decomposition
21 Jul 2018

Interpreting matrix factors provided by SVD.

Calculus for Batch Normalization
01 Jun 2017

I show gradient calculations for a BatchNorm layer.

Backpropogating Softmax Layer of a Neural Network
20 May 2017

I show gradient calculations for Softmax.